MatTam Photography
Professional Photography
DeVere Photo Enlargers
For decades DeVere has been a trusted name for high quality, ruggedly built professional enlarging equipment. Its unquestionable durability made it as a top choice of photographers for darkroom enlargers and accessories. DeVere is typically robust in design, having been specifically made for the armed forces. If space in the darkroom is a problem, Do you want to learn more? Visit photography images .the DeVere 203 is a good option. The DeVere 203 Bench standing Enlarger is equipped with the DeVere front of baseboard controls. This provides movement of both the negative stage and lens stage from handles at the front of the baseboard. With this feature you don't have to stretch for focusing when doing big enlargements.
The De Vere 504 enlarger is also suitable for electron microscopy because it easily accommodates cut film up to 102mm x 127mm (4in x 5in) size. To achieve fast accurate focusing, the handwheels on the front of the baseboard control the rise and fall of the lens and head runners. The Varicon light source has two condenser lenses. The size of lenses to be used is determined by the format of the negative to be accommodated. Great deals are available here for the DeVere Photo Enlargers. Built to last for a long time, you will surely get your money's worth with your DeVere purchase. Find a used or new DeVere photo enlarger for home or professional use.
Photo Enlarger Accessories
Look no further. We also have a wide selection of photo enlarger accessories for you. If you would like to customize your photo enlargers, that won't be a problem as we have enlarger tables, wall mounts, and baseboards. We also have power supplies and voltage regulators.
Take good care of your photo enlargers. When not in use, it a good idea to put a dust covers on your darkroom enlargers.1 Keep some extra lamps for your photography enlarger so you don't have to lose precious time ordering for it. Have enough supplies like negative paper, enlarger photo paper, negative carrier of different sizes, and many others. We have a wide range of enlarger and darkroom accessories for all your photography needs. Shop for your enlarger accessories right now and save on our amazing prices. Whether you are a professional, or a photo enthusiast who is just starting to have your own darkroom, it is best to that you have all the supplies that you need. We carry your favourite brands of darkroom supplies and accessories.1 Shop with us and get the best deals for your enlarger negative holders, replacement lights, and paper.